APK produce yet another family to add to their family tree...
Us donning the finest Indian fashion...
The girls absolutely love us. No change there then
The cutest kids we've ever witnessed. Raman and Kanishka
These are the thugs we're trying to take down. Our tactics so far have been to learn Hindi, play footy with the local kids, watch the India-Australia series (damn Aussies!) and sunbathing. And of course...
... Applied Chemistry at its best! Unfortunately, our applied chemistry isn't exactly great. Can anyone shed any light on BOD/COD/TDS/TSS?? Any chemists out there? We're kinda at gridlock right now...
Meeting Mahesh Uncle at the awesome Bangalore Club... as V would say the galdems were Basavanagudi!!
Hed Kandi happened to be performing the one night we were in Delhi
It was good to see a white face again, especially these ones...
Keep me updated on the news back home!!